The 9th Annual Colfax Persimmon Festival in Colfax NC is 1 month away. $10.00 each, Date: 10/22. Time: 10:00 am— 4:00 pm See Alvis for more information. (rain date is October 29, same time, same place) They have a facebook page.
Month: September 2016
A message from our president.
A message from President Tony Abbruzzi Greetings gentlemen, Hopefully you are doing well and surviving the hot and dry weather. During August’s meet- ing you were encour- aged to take soil sam- ples and submit them to the county extension office on Graham-Hope- dale Rd. I received my results back after only two weeks. I planted buckwheat as a green manure crop and to provide both nectar and pollen for my honey- bees. It is a quick growing green manure crop that flowers in only four or five weeks. It suppresses weed growth, builds organic matter in the soil, and attracts beneficial insects. Buckwheat can also increase the availability of phospho- rus and micronutrients for follow-on crops. A big thank you is extended to Tony Burch, Dick Annand, Bob & Raquel Held, Nancy Abbruzzi, and Sam Moser for their participation in the 9-11 Walk of Remem- brance. Our club was very well represented. With the exception of Au- gust our program sched- ule is complete. If you would like to present a program next August, or know someone who might, please contact him or her. This month Justin Ham- mock, the owner of Alamance Outdoor Equip- ment and one of his mechanics, will talk to us about maintaining our lawn and garden power equipment. If you have questions about winteriz- ing your lawn mower, weed whacker, or rotor- tiller you may not want to miss this one. “Fairest of the months! Ripe summer’s queen The hey-day of the year With robes that gleam with sunny sheen Sweet August doth appear.” – R. Combe Miller Take care, I’ll see you on the 27th, please invite a friend. Happy gardening, Tony
Club Meeting 6/27 at Occasions Restaurant 6:00pm
Meeting Topic: Maintaining Lawn and Garden Power Equipment
Presented by: Justin Hammock and one of his Mechanics